Your Expert Guide to Discount and Full Coverage Dental Insurance

January 14th, 2023 by dayat No comments »

Dental insurance plans are a little more complicated than an auto insurance. This is because insurance companies allow you to add (or subtract) dental procedures so that it fits your current situation. For instance, a young man in his 20s would not really need to be insured for dentures unless he is active in a physically taxing sport that involves body contact. He might prefer to be insured for preventive maintenance, diagnostics, root canal, extractions, and treatment for gums.

If this is allowed by the insurance company, and it usually is, then the payments scheme will probably decrease. Thus, a young man will be able to afford the dental insurance plan with his current financial status.

Dental insurance plans are also categorized according to premiums. Premiums in this case refers to the dental procedure. There are minor premiums and major dental premiums. Most, if not all, minor procedures are covered by the basic package by about 70%. This means you should the remaining 30%. Most major procedures fall under the 50% rating, which means there is a monetary responsibility on your part to shoulder the balance. Some insurance companies shoulder the total costs of minor procedures if the policy can allow for it. This is the kind of dental insurance plan you should aim for.

Regarding payment, you have a choice of paying monthly or annually. Some insurance companies even allow quarterly payments. If you compute the monthly charges, the total amount would be more than the amount you would pay if you chose the annual payment scheme. The advantage of the monthly payment scheme is that it is easier to manage.

All insurance companies will put a limit to the number of procedure you can have in a year, as well as in your lifetime. Ask your insurance agent about this. It is referred to as the Annual Benefit Cap and the Lifetime Benefit Cap.

These are just some of the basics of dental insurance plans. As you delve deeper into the details, you will discover that it gets easier to understand.

With discount dental plans now being offered by finance companies as an alternative to dental insurance, more and more people are beginning to see hope. Hope, that is, in being able to afford to get expensive dental treatments at a discounted rate.

If you want to find the best discount dental plan, finding one online will make the process easier for you. You save on time and effort because most of the important information is already posted on the web. Keep in mind though that the features of discount dental plans will differ depending on the company that is offering it. Thus, you will need to compare and contrast the plans against each other to find the one that you feel will work best for you.

There are many advantages of discount dental plans such as the unlimited charges in discount dental plans, and the savings in discount dental plans. The fee you will pay for one year will be more than covered by the savings in discount dental plans. This is because the discount rates ranges from 10 to a whopping 60% off from the regular rates. You can just imagine how much that is at the end of the year.

There are some conditions you must meet to avail of the discount. First, you need to be updated with your payments. Second, you will need to pay in cash. Third, you will have to use the services of qualified dentists in the list of the finance company. You cannot use your own qualified dentist unless he is on the list.

If you compare the conditions and terms against the advantages of discount dental plans, you will not even spare a second thought, especially if you compare it with dental insurance. Dental insurance terms can be very rigid and uncompromising because it has a limit on the number of times you can get maintenance procedures, as well as be required to submit existing dental conditions. This is because existing dental conditions cannot be covered by dental insurance.

Thus, with the availability of discount dental plans so easy with the internet, finding a good one will not pose a problem at all.
If this is allowed by the insurance company, and it usually is, then the payments scheme will probably decrease. Thus, a young man will be able to afford the dental insurance plan with his current financial status.

Dental insurance plans are also categorized according to premiums. Premiums in this case refers to the dental procedure. There are minor premiums and major dental premiums. Most, if not all, minor procedures are covered by the basic package by about 70%. This means you should the remaining 30%. Most major procedures fall under the 50% rating, which means there is a monetary responsibility on your part to shoulder the balance. Some insurance companies shoulder the total costs of minor procedures if the policy can allow for it. This is the kind of dental insurance plan you should aim for.

Regarding payment, you have a choice of paying monthly or annually. Some insurance companies even allow quarterly payments. If you compute the monthly charges, the total amount would be more than the amount you would pay if you chose the annual payment scheme. The advantage of the monthly payment scheme is that it is easier to manage.

All insurance companies will put a limit to the number of procedure you can have in a year, as well as in your lifetime. Ask your insurance agent about this. It is referred to as the Annual Benefit Cap and the Lifetime Benefit Cap.

These are just some of the basics of dental insurance plans. As you delve deeper into the details, you will discover that it gets easier to understand.

With discount dental plans now being offered by finance companies as an alternative to dental insurance, more and more people are beginning to see hope. Hope, that is, in being able to afford to get expensive dental treatments at a discounted rate.

If you want to find the best discount dental plan, finding one online will make the process easier for you. You save on time and effort because most of the important information is already posted on the web. Keep in mind though that the features of discount dental plans will differ depending on the company that is offering it. Thus, you will need to compare and contrast the plans against each other to find the one that you feel will work best for you.

There are many advantages of discount dental plans such as the unlimited charges in discount dental plans, and the savings in discount dental plans. The fee you will pay for one year will be more than covered by the savings in discount dental plans. This is because the discount rates ranges from 10 to a whopping 60% off from the regular rates. You can just imagine how much that is at the end of the year.

There are some conditions you must meet to avail of the discount. First, you need to be updated with your payments. Second, you will need to pay in cash. Third, you will have to use the services of qualified dentists in the list of the finance company. You cannot use your own qualified dentist unless he is on the list.

If you compare the conditions and terms against the advantages of discount dental plans, you will not even spare a second thought, especially if you compare it with dental insurance. Dental insurance terms can be very rigid and uncompromising because it has a limit on the number of times you can get maintenance procedures, as well as be required to submit existing dental conditions. This is because existing dental conditions cannot be covered by dental insurance.

Thus, with the availability of discount dental plans so easy with the internet, finding a good one will not pose a problem at all.

Should You Get Dental Insurance and Which Plan to Select

October 14th, 2022 by dayat No comments »

Plan benefits

The most important option to consider when selecting a dental insurance plan is the yearly maximum benefit amount. This benefit ranges from $750 to $2500 per year. Some companies will let you use up your benefit amount as you need it and accept almost all charges due to your dentist but most will follow a payment (up to your yearly maximum). With a payment schedule, you will only have a certain amount to spend per procedure and be responsible for the rest. Note that, in all cases, when procedures are considered major, a waiting period will apply before any benefits are paid. For your yearly maximum, we recommend that you select a minimum of $1,000 to $1,500 in benefits. The price difference is usually small and most people use up their benefit.

Plan deductible

Deductibles can also vary greatly. With some insurance carriers, dental insurance deductibles can be as simple as $100 per year deductible that just needs to be met one time, while other insurance companies will have a more complicated system of deductibles such as a $50 deductible for each procedure other than a basic cleanings. Carefully check the deductible for the plan you select. What may appear as a good buy may end up being very expensive after deductibles are considered. The best option is a onetime $100 yearly deductible even if it also applies to basic benefits. This will keep your plan simpler and likely cheaper to administer.

Procedures and common plan coverage

For basic dental and preventative exams which may include some x-rays there is usually no charge to you from your dentist (except possibly a deductible). That is probably the only procedure that will be covered at 100%. Anything else such as more comprehensive exams, endodontics, periodontics and prosthodontics will have more limited coverage and lower benefits. Choosing features depends on your dental health and history. Look at you family history and your personal eating and mouth health habits. If you are likely to run into major dental health issues we recommend you select a plan that covers those particular major dental issues. As an example, if you take good care of your teeth but you have a family history of periodontal (gum) disease then you may want to make sure that your dental plan covers this condition. Note that, although, mouth shape and teeth positioning are hereditary, cavities are not hereditary – cleaning your teeth is your best insurance!

The rates

Rates will vary greatly by company, where you live and plan benefits and deductibles. Beware of administration membership fees which are not always spelled out until after you have selected the plan you want and are ready to pay. You may get a discount by paying yearly but rarely by paying quarterly or bi-yearly. In most cases, it seems that the monthly auto payment plans are the best as they will tend to cost the same as yearly pay plans and you are not as likely to lapse your dental plan policy for none-payment.

Do you need an agent?

Our experience has shown that most people do not need an agent to find and apply for dental insurance. At best, a quick call to the company offering the plan options is all that should be needed. We have also found that online shopping and applications yield lower and better results. Shopping with two to three web sites that offer dental insurance is recommended.

Dentist network

There is no point in getting a great dental plan if you will need to drive 30 minutes or more to get to your favorite dentist. Unless, of course, he or she is the only one you trust. Most dental plans offer very large dentist networks and it is very likely that you favorite dentist is in the one of the networks. You should be able to easily check online before you even apply for any plan. If a network list is not made available online, you may want to shop from another dental insurance website.

The dental discount plans alternative

If you have looked at standard dental insurance plans and none of them meet your needs or the price is too high, you may want to consider a dental discount plan. Some are great while some are worthless. Discount plans are usually much simpler to administer than a standard dental plan as they do not usually require that claim forms be filled out. Here is what you want to consider when selecting a discount plan:

· Dentist network (check to see if your favorite dentist is in)

· Procedure covered under discounts (covered procedures should be covered and available for discount right away. A list should be offered before you buy)

· Discount amount per procedure (That number can vary greatly)

· Yearly usage limit if any (there should be none)

· Yearly cost (should be much less than a regular dental plan)

· Any deductible or waiting period? (should be none)

· Reputation of company offering discount plans (check at least with the BBB)

Note that a discount plan is cheaper for a reason. The insurance company is not paying the dentist for any dental procedures, cleaning or other dental work and has just negotiated with dentist to offer discounted rates to their members. If you have a good relationship with your dentist, you may be able to get the same or better discounts by just asking your dentist and without buying any dental discount plan.

Should you get any type dental plan?

If you are asking then it is likely that you or someone close to you have never had any major dental health issues. If you are a saver, meaning if you save money on a regular basis for dental care, then you probably do not need a dental plan. If, like most people, you do not have a savings plan for your dental care, then we recommend that you get dental insurance or at least a quality dental discount plan. Although you may have healthy teeth today, tomorrow may be another story and you will be more than happy to have a good dental plan when it’s time to visit your dentist. If anything, people who have dental insurance are much more likely to see their dentist for regular checkups than people who do not. More checkups usually means better mouth health.

We hope this article has given you a better sense of the value of having or not having dental insurance. Please always feel free to ask us questions. Be well!

Havilah Insurance Advisors has been offering insurance products for over 10 years and we only represents top rated insurance partners (Rated by AM Best and the BBB). Our web address is []. We offer the following senior plans:

• Dental Insurance

• Health Insurance

• Term life insurance

• Senior life insurance

• No exam life insurance

• Whole life insurance

• Impaired risk and bad health Life Insurance

• Universal life insurance

• Mortgage life insurance

• Children life insurance

• Critical illness insurance

• General information on life insurance